About us

What is an Auteur? Simply put, an auteur is a creator. Someone with innate creativity and an ability to make those ideas a reality.

The writers, poets, artists, musicians, photographers, philosophers and innovators who open our minds to new possibilities and shake society to its foundations.

Always with a style, wit, and masterful flair that few others could achieve.

This magazine is dedicated to those people.

Founded in 2021’s pandemic chaos, Auteur Magazine hopes to bring together those brilliant young minds that have been cast to the wind by geography and fate.

By sharing their stories, showcasing their art, and publishing their work, we hope this platform will become a haven for young creators around the world, and more than that, a prominent voice for our radical generation. 


  • Chuying Huo serves as the Co-founder and Executive Director of Auteur Magazine, a digital youth publication with contributors from around the world. Outside of Auteur, she serves as an high school advisory board member for the Los Angeles Times. She has written articles for a plethora of publications including The Stanford Daily, Los Angeles Times HS Insider, Yale Daily News, Youth Journalism International among others. She aims to be a voice for marginalized communities and foster creativity in youth.

  • Katrina is the Co-founder and Director of Communications at Auteur Magazine. She is a multimedia creator, journalist, artist, writer, and spoken word poet. Her work has been featured on local and national stages. She aims to expand the literary community through Auteur Magazine by providing an outlet of creative expression through this literary platform.

  • Zurie Pope is a Co-founder and advisor for Auteur Magazine. He is also an investigative reporter for Youth Journalism International and serves as editor in chief for The Cramm. His interests include geopolitics, US politics, and pop culture.